Questions about this site:
Q: Why did we change from the old site to this new system?
A: There were a number of factors that went into our decision to transition over to Golf Genius from our old system. The primary factors was the lack of support our club was getting from our old provider and the fact that Golf Genius is officially backed by the USGA and is the same system used to score the US Open.
If it’s good enough for the US Open, it’s good enough for the Sepulveda Men’s Club
Q: I am confused about logging in. When I click sign-in I get a message that my email is not recognized.
A: The log in section on the main site here is only used if we were to make pages private however we have committed to make all of the pages on this site public facing. If would like you can log in either on a computer or on a mobile device by using the GGID of SMGC and checking off “remember me” so that you will always be logged in. Note: this is different than registering for tournaments.
Q: I don’t seem to be getting emails from you guy since we went to this new system.
A: That is because your email provider is identifying the emails as spam or junk mail. Please see the section on Help! I’m Not Getting Emails to correct this issue.
Questions about membership:
Q: What is the difference between being an Associate Member versus a Full Member?
A: Associate Memberships allow you to have an affiliation with a club for the purpose of maintaining a USGA Handicap. It does not allow you to play in our tournament events unless we specifically state that the tournament is open to our Associate members.
Full membership allows you to play in our tournaments assuming eligibility is met for that particular event.
Q: I am already a member at another club. Can I be a member of your club as well?
A: Yes! You can still join our club either as an Associate of Full Member but keep in mind that if you want to play in our tournaments you have to be a Full Member.
Q: My membership has expired. What do I do?
A: Grab your GHIN number and head here to renew your membership with us.
Questions about tournaments:
Q: Where are the tournament listings?
A: Under the Tournaments Home section.
Q: I want to make a request to play with my friends, have a specific tee time, etc. How do I do this?
A: There is a comments section in each registration form for an event where you can leave requests such as these.
Questions for the board:
Q: I have a question, comment, complaint. Who do I speak to?
A: You can email smgc1955@hotmail.com.
Q: How are people selected to be on the board?
A: Each year we host an Elections event usually around early November which includes the tournament, a free lunch and we hold elections for the board.
Q: What perks are there for being on the board?
A: A shortened life span due to high blood pressure. Seriously we are always looking for board members to volunteer.